Energetically Active Paintings That Harmonize
Whether or not you believe in things between "Heaven and Earth", or find yourself somewhere in between just now, ther is no need to think too much about my paintings.
Stop, take time for yourself, let your eye and your feeling lead you to the right painting for you.
Take in what is beginning to happen inside you - what sort of feeling, what sort of emotion. Maybe you feel nothing at first, maybe, after a while, you feel warmth or a surge of energy.
Perhaps you start feeling good and relaxed without any obvious reason. Your fear and tension disappear. You feel lighter, more joyful and pleasantly attuned.
Or you may find that you "just" enjoy looking at the painting. You simply like it. In some way it addresses YOU, it fills you up inside.
And that is precisely the intended purpose of my paintings...
....and what do these paintings bring you?
Love and divinity through their message.
These paintings unify beauty, the power of colour and a harmonizing effect.
They are energetically active and so they can harmonize you, your family, the interior of your room, home, hallway or even office.

The energizing images I paint are always unique and in a way a kind of mandala. In many of them you will find a circle, because for me the circle is the perfect shape which contains everything else. So, a seemingly simple motif contains a wide spectrum of beneficial energies in which I combine my shamanic art and painterly sensitivity.
Just as the opening motto says: "That which is deep and high points directly to depth or height. Only that which has more dimensions can move in circles."
The intent with which I create the energizing paintings and the sensitively chosen combination of colors then come together to create a "tuning blend - a message" full of positive vibrations designed to harmonize you, heal you in body and caress you in soul.
And what exactly is this energy?
There are many types of energy in the world, and many of them are commonplace for us, such as electricity. Even though it's not visible, we've managed to grasp it and harness it for ourselves.
It is the same with this energy. It is the pure energy of Light that I work with as a shaman in my healings. Everyone calls it something a little different - God, light, angels, the Universe, intuition or "that something above us".
I see it as the energy of life - the divine that transcends us and at the same time is part of all creatures, plants and things on earth, including us. It is everywhere present. It is also not visible. Yet, you can feel it very intensely and physically right within yourself.

It is this energy that I consciously work with and put into these paintings to work for you. To support you. So that you can keep discovering it endlessly and each of you in your own way.
How Do You Work With Paintings?
You can work with them in two ways.
Firstly, consciously by looking at the image, observing the details, observing your reactions or meditating on it.
Secondly, unconsciously when your subconscious regulates the reception of these energies. The paintings are in your space and you are in “their space" .
You absorb this energy visually through your eyes or through your chakra, the Indian concept of body energy, but there is no need to worry about it, these are perfectly natural processes that happen quite automatically.
The energy harmonizes your physical body and your psyche. Thanks to that you feel better. These paintings can be also used as a supportive tool in the treatment of illness.
The paintings painted in this way radiate energy into space continuously for a distance of 4 to 6 metres.
It depends on your sensitivity, how much, where and how you perceive these energies. The paintings "work" on all of your bodies, i.e. spiritual, mental, emotional and physical. They are harmonizing, cleansing and empowering.
So don't be surprised if they trigger different reactions, different feelings in you - joy, crying, emotion, memories, warmth, cold, tingling, awaken your intuition, or nothing at all. That's okay too.
Where Do You Place The Paintings?
To maximize the impact of energizing paintings, it is good to consider their location.
Choose a place where you are often or usually stay for a longer time. If you have chosen a painting to support your activity, do not place it in an area where you sleep.